Hi, I'm Julia - big mama around these parts. I'm a 27 years young female from Southern California and Japan, first time mom to Daniel and devoted partner to Gary. I am a college graduate with my bachelor degree in nursing currently looking for work and enjoying some time off to bond with my son. Before Daniel was born, I worked full time as a hospice certified nursing assistant. I am an avid tech junkie and admittedly an Apple fangirl. I love fashion and beauty products but since my son was born, those have taken the back burner to buying diaper wipes and baby toys. I have a special place in my heart and stomach for chocolate and coffee.
Before: preggo belly/iPhone table. |
After: flat belly/lap that fits my son perfectly. |
I started blogging when I was around 13. I was living overseas on a military base in Japan at the time and a lot of people at school were into creating websites (on Angelfire or Geocities) with overly bright and colorful blinking .gifs and WrItInG lIkE tHiS. Those were the days... I have been blogging on and off since. My most recent online escapades involve heavy use of Twitter and other social media sites but since the conception and birth of my son, I've been wanting to blog about
myour life. The first few months of his life were incredibly hectic and exhausting, per usual I'm sure, so I'm just now starting this endeavor (I have absolutely no excuse for why I didn't start before, but I won't go there).
By now, you've read the word
Japan twice. I am a military brat, born in Japan to a US Navy sailor and his Japanese girlfriend (they were married a day before I was born, but to their benefit I was 6 weeks early...). Gary followed this pattern to a T about 6 months after I did (yes, I am the older woman), and together we have a beautiful second-generation half-Japanese baby boy we named Daniel. Gary spent the majority of his life in Japan, whereas I grew up in California and spent a few of my teenage years in Japan. Gary and I spent a year together in Junior High and reconnected in April of 2010 on Facebook. In October 2010, we met for the first time since we were 13 and spent 2 amazing weeks together. In February 2011, I spent 2 equally amazing weeks in Japan where he was living and flew home with the most amazing souvenir - a bun in the oven!
And now, here we are. We married one another on May 16, 2012 in a small ceremony. We are so excited about our adventure into parenthood together and I'm excited to share our story with you. Thanks for reading!