Since my dear Daniel was born going on 5 months ago, it has been increasingly difficult for me to even remember (or want to, for that matter) what my life was like without him. He seems so much a part of me every day that life without him is truly inconceivable. With that said, as he gets older, there are things I miss about the days before he was born. The biggest of that (very) small list being: sleep.
Right before we moved, Daniel decided sleeping 7 hours in a row wasn't so bad. Fast-forward a week and suddenly we were back to at least 2 wake-up times, at least 1 feeding and both Gary and I feeling exhausted. Actually, I'm pretty sure I felt at least a bit more rested in the beginning of Daniel's life than I do now. Now, he's up during the day much more than when he was born, meaning less chances for me to cat-nap with him. I would get my 8 hours of sleep throughout the day and night, however I could... now, not so much. It's really frustrating, but all my fellow mothers out there keep telling me the same thing happened to them and there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. I just keep telling myself that one day, he'll sleep the day away and I'll wish he was little again...
Month 4 marks a lot of significant milestones for my little guy, it's so fun to watch him talk up a storm and blow spit bubbles while shoving everything and anything he can get his small hands on into his mouth. We have toys in the bathtub now, he spins in circles on the floor and is tolerating tummy time more and more each day. His favorite thing to do during his diaper changes, which now consist of FuzziBunz cloth diapers, is grab his feet and roll onto his side. We have enough cloth diapers now to go two days before washing, if we use the remaining disposable diapers at night. And last night, we had rice cereal for the first time! The entire event was hilarious, starting with him gagging/crying and ending in him with it all over his face/crying because we weren't feeding him fast enough!
So I am possibly looking at a huge change in my professional life, which is truly exciting. I'm not sure what will happen, but I remain optimistic!
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